Friday, April 13, 2018


Hi just remember you are valid and loved. So remember to eat, drink some water, take your meds if you have any, bathe, talk to someone. Just take care of yourself.

00:14     14 April 2018

Rant - 4/13/18

Dress Code

Let's face it, dress codes are stupid. All they do is teach girls that hey should cover up their bodies instead of embrace it and teach boy that it's okay to do something if what a girl is wearing is 'provoking'.

Today was the hottest day we've had this year with the temperature reaching nearly 90. So I decided that I would wear a crop-top of mine. I paired it with a pair of black high-waisted leggings and a pair of black flats.

I didn't get dress coded surprisingly but other girls did.

Our principle was going through the typical announcements before he mentioned warm weather and how "no bellys should be shown", "make sure to watch the length of shorts" and "watch the shoulders"

It really gets me that this doesn't affect the boys whatsoever. The dress code is really there for the girls to make sure we don't distract they boys. You know because their education is more important than ours.

But yea. Dress codes are just great.

00:08     14 April 2018

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Rant - 2/21/18

As sad as it is threats at my school has become normal. So naturally when we are called to go lock down I assume it is a drill.

Yesterday was not that case. It started as a normal day and my 1st block had around 10 minuets left of class and we were called into lock down.

My best friend was low key freaking out as i told her it was more than likely a drill. Then something is posted on SnapChat by another student. You can see through the window rows of FBI and cop cars. This is where I was like "this is serious".

Before I go any further, a little background information. On Monday, an anonymous text was sent out stating:
    "It's all fun and games to bully me until you realize I'm not         taking it anymore. I'm going get each and everyone of you           back... I do have a mental illness and I'm not afraid of             anything. All of you will be dead."

Then followed by another message that said:
    "The schools think everything is a joke but they'll know one         day this week I wasn't joking."

Anyways, so about an hour into this lock down another anonymous text was sent out to multiple people. This one stated:
    "I just can't hold back anymore. I've been strong for too long.       Don't hate me. I have the gun and can't hold back."

Just to clarify this was the week the the horrific school shooting in Florida. After we have been in lock down for about 3 and a half hours we get a knock on the door. My classroom was now filled with 6+ FBI agents and cops. We were all instructed to line up and we were all individually patted down and had our bags searched.

This was all fine with me and then I remembered that I had my iron pills in my glasses case. I kept them with me for when i got sick because I have an iron deficiency. The cop looked at them and I spoke up and explained what they were and why I had them. As I was explaining another officer yelled at me and told me to shut up. I also have anxiety and I actually thought I was about to cry.

After they have left we were informed that all of our locks were cut off our lockers and our lockers were searched. I didn't think much about it. Later I went to go get my gym bag out of my locker. It wasn't there. Over 24 hours I was told my bag had been misplaced. Today I was given my nag back. Everything was a mess, a few things were missing but i got my bag back. 

This was not all that went wrong that day. Almost an hour before we are supposed to leave we are told that cell phones are banned from the school property, which in my opinion will only cause more problems, and backpacks were not allowed to be carried in the halls unless they were clear. In my opinion there could be some privacy issues with that but its understandable. Since no one was able to get a clear backpack for today laundry baskets, laundry bags, plastic bags, and various other items were being carried around the school.

But yea, what a day.

19:18     21 February 2018

Friday, January 19, 2018

Why? - 1/20/18

Let's be real here, I have no idea why I'm here or why I made this. 
I just did.

This is more than likely going to end up filled with a mixture of things anywhere from rants, opinions, confessions, reviews (lol prolly not),  views in general and who knows what else.

That being said, you do you.

01:22     20 January 2018